Check Ninja enables customer verifcation prior sending anything physically and adding additional shipping cost to your products.
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How many times have you shipped your merchandise to a customer and it has ended up waiting for a week or more for someone to pick it up? How about you stop losing money? Check out the API solution we offer and act now. Why do you need to pay handling fees twice when you can prevent that?
Check ninja is reminding that once you send an item to a Non Existing Customer (NEC) you end up in a position where you can no longer sell your product for a period of at least 2 weeks. What if you are aimimng to sell the product at a specific time frame, where you know you can sell it with good profit? You are doomed to lose money from paying double shipping cost in first place and in second place - not possible to sell it in the profitable time frame that you targeted.
We are not only offering a customer verification tool. We offer you a way to eliminate some of the unwanted costs and direct loss. When you send your merchandise to a customer, who then never shows up - you need to collect it back, right? So it's not only that you paid the shipping cost to a ghost customer, but you also need to pay shipping cost so that you can get back you item.
Having Ghost customers is a serious issue which everyone needs to handle in a way. When 10% of your sent items are not collected, calculations show that you basically loose more than 1/3 of the item sell value due to paying unwanted shipping cost and loosing the possibility to sell the merchandise in the profitable time frame. When your margin is set to 50% profit - basically this means that you loose money out of 10% from your inventory and while covering the loss - you end up in making much less than the profit you were able to make in first place.
We developed a check engine solution, which is acting as GDPR compliant KYC verifcation soAware in the Online sales flow, while eliminating the exposure of personal user data.
We offer a technology service which enables customer verifcation prior
anything being shipped to end customer and adding additional cost to your products. No matter if you charge
your customers for shipping cost - when noone collects the item - you are the one paying for
this.This is what we offer - a solution to prevent this.
Our Ninjas checked and confirmed - There is a statistic, showing that more than 70%
of the items sold and being sent with COD (cash on delivery) basis.What happens if no one show up to
collect the item sent with COD?It’s always the Merchant, who is paying the price for ghost
customers and non collected merchandise.
There is a bad trend - up to 9% of all items sent are not being delivered (no one comes to take the
items) Do you want to be in this statistics? Check Ninja offers a GDPR Compliant
solution where merchants are able to make verification checks and receive true customer status based
on hundreds of other merchants experience . And this is the main idea behind our
software. No one can and should deal with ghost customers alone. When joining forces with all your
competitors while not exposing senitive information for your user database is a key for eliminating unwanted
loss coming out of this situation.
Check Ninja believes that this Joint Venture of all
different businesses is a way to eliminate the possibility for all merchants to send their
items to non-collecting customers. You can become a part of this Check Ninja community and benefit from the
bad experienceof others.The compliant and secure API solution we offer is Security
Audited by independent Software Security Company. GDPR compliant - we gathered
the smartest GDPR consultants around and we adjusted th software to comply with all European Regulation,
meaning no sensitivee customer data is being exposed or shared.
We integrated 3 different models for user verification in our software. Even if you operate a small wordpress e-shop you are still able to use our solution and manually check your customers.Medium and Large e-commerce and online businesses can choose between several options for integration. Contact our ninjas for detailed information
Long story short - Check Ninja is here to help - you can either upload a file with all customers you need to verify prior sending anything to them, or simply executing their order OR you can integrate our self-serviced API and check in real time for blacklisted status of a certain customer.
Meet us @:
blvd Tsar Osvoboditel 14, 6th floor
Sofia, Bulgaria
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Provided to you by:
C Network ltd.
Sofia Office
Check Ninja brings the Customer Verification Automation at your doorstep. Open your door and let it in.
1. What is the purpose of Check Ninja?
2. What is Distributed Ledger Technology?
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